Tuesday, October 22, 2013


His first word.... Cheese. 
Nope. Not kidding. 
This boy is a trip. 

Friday, October 11, 2013


I hate when my kids are sick. I feel so helpless. Wyatt had a nasty stomach bug this week, thankfully he is on the mend. But man do I hate when he is sick!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Busy busy

Every time I turn around... He's standing on a chair or the table. He's going to make me grey. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Tremper boys

Plus a Busbey boy, but he is a true Tremper, just look at him! 
They are growing too fast! Make it stop. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Beach baby

He sure is a cute beach bum!
He is a character, this one. Been stealing the show. 

What a sweet sister. 

Beach bum

This boy was fearless. Crawling, digging, climbing over anything and everything on the beach. We had an amazing week spending lots of time on the beach and he was so laid back and enjoyed it as much as we did. No prissy pants here... He was all over it. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Who let my child stand while drinking from a cup?! I am almost positive he will be walking by the end of next week. (Insert sobs)

Life on the go

This poor guy... Do all second children have to nap in the car? & eat in their strollers? & have diaper changes in the trunk? We are so crazy busy running around with activities and errands these days. Luckily he adapts so well. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013


How has it been a entire year since my handsome little guy made his entrance into this world?! 
I am amazed every day at how he has grown, into a kind natured loving little one-- even for a boy! He completes our family so well. I can't even remember the days before him. Looking back when we brought him home, I just don't know how we did it. We had TWO babies... Those first few months were tough. He picked up every bug Claire had, starting teething at 4 months and has YET to stop... All the while smiling. Always smiling. & oh how I love that smile. 
I am the luckiest mommy in the world to have a son as happy as my guy. Everyone has their moments... But our moments are so few I don't even recognize them. 
At one year Wyatt weighed in at 23 pounds and 31 inches long. A pound lighter and an inch longer than his big sister at the same age. (She was a chubby lil thing) 
Puts him in the 88th percentile for BOTH height and weight, doc says he couldn't be more proportionate. 
We had this fun and funky circus birthday party planned for him with games and sweets... Planned for his exact first birthday. And the evening before the party after I baked and iced cut out cookies and cleaned and cooked and decorated... He decided he was going to fight a stomach bug. 
So for his entire birthday he slept and nursed and laid on me trying to get his strength back. I felt awful for him. 
So We will celebrate his first year along with his sisters third year together at her party, on my birthday. It will be a huge birthday celebration. 
Happy birthday to the sweetest, most special guy a mommy could ask for. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I can't believe this little guy will be one in a week...

Monday, July 15, 2013

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


When it comes to sights and sounds and excitement, this boy is laid back. As chill as it gets. He took everything in at the carnival and proceeded to fall asleep. Most chill child... Ever. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013


This little man was a champ today at the aquarium. He was amazed at all of the fish, the dolphin show and even fell asleep in the back pack on daddy. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Well hello spring

Finally it is warm!! And we are soaking it in all day long being outside

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Play date

We had a cousin play date and the boys played together on the floor of the living room. Although Ty was a littler assertive with his toys, banging Wyatt's head with his cups, wy could care less! He let him do it. They are true friends. We love having them closer to us so they can grow together.

Monday, April 29, 2013


9 month check up: weighing in at 21 pounds (72nd percentile) and 30 inches (96th percentile).
Wyatt was such a good little man at his doctor visit. He sat perfectly still for his exam. The doc said he was her best patient ever! (Angel baby)😇
The controversy on allergenic foods is on the rise, so I asked my pediatrician what her opinion was on introducing the questionable foods. Since we already started eggs, which she was cool with, I asked about strawberries and nuts... These days the recommendation are to introduce them earlier than in the past. So we got the go ahead for strawberries and items with nuts in them! Just no peanuts of course... It's just crazy how quick it can change. Just 2 years ago we were having the same discussion with Claire's doc and were told to wait wait wait.
And as for milk and ice cream and heavy unpasteurized dairy, we wait until 1 year. Can't wait for his first birthday Jimmie cone treat, just like we did for big sis!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Nine months

It has almost been a year since this little man has joined our family... I'm usually sad to see my babies get so big so quickly but seeing the two of them interact and love one another makes me excited to see what our future has in store. It's crazy how different two siblings can be... Claire was full if energy and life, grabbing attention anywhere she could get it. Or was it because she was the first? Either way... This boy is SHY and bashful and it's so stinkin cute. But if he is happy and he is with mommy and daddy his true character comes out and he is silly and fun and giggles and oh we eat it up! He is a peanut compared to his sister, only 18 pounds and still in 9 month clothes... She was in 24 month clothes and over 21 pounds by this age. Crazy how different it is. But I love all those differences. This little guy is the perfect little balance to our family.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Mister smiles

This guy is so bashful... It's hysterical. Completely opposite of his sister at this age who ate up any and all attention she could get. He turns his head and hides his eyes. So sweet. But usually for mommy and daddy these are the faces we get. Smiles, giggles, screeches. The new face is the squinty eyes when he is super happy. I'm obsessed.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


We are starting solids this week with buddy Roo! I cannot believe he is already six months... For all my mommy friends who have asked why we waited until 6 months to start solids, here is a wonderful article that explains it best! http://kellymom.com/nutrition/starting-solids/delay-solids/

I make all of my baby food because it is best, so easy, and fun! It is so satisfying for me to whip up a huge batch of yummy combinations of food for my babes. And all I use is our food processor. Which you could also use a blender.
Wyatt's first meal: Avocado. It is one of his sisters favorite foods. He did not like it too much. But we will keep trying! Claire's first food was apples and she hated them for a week... So I'm sure anything we offered to him he wouldn't really care for. Next up... Bananas!