Saturday, October 27, 2012


Do you see the resemblance?! I can. :)


Boy are we excited about Halloween this year! We had our annual Halloween party early and Wyatt showed up as a chicken... Fitting for 2012 :)

3 months

Someone recently asked me if I was using "The Happiest Baby on the Block" book with Wyatt... I said I do not have time to shower, let alone read a baby manual for this guy. That's just him, happy, content, angelic. We go to a music program for big sisser every Tuesday and he usually sleeps the entire time. My girlfriend said, that angel baby is sleeping beauty! Does he ever cry? ;) he has his moments... Few and far in between. We are blessed.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mister personality

This little guy is coming alive... Cooing, smiling, giggling!! His first giggle was on my first day back to work.. Mid feed, as I was sternly telling his sister she could not go to church nakey, she must wear her dress... He was cracking up at her getting in trouble. We all immediately stared into his eyes and were laughing together. What sweet moments of joy.


First night in his crib... This is bitter sweet for me. At one month earlier than his sister, I am ready but in a sense... I'm not. At least I can have the comfort of watching him sleep.

Monday, October 1, 2012

2 months!

Wyatt is smaller than Claire was at this age... Weighing in at 11lb 10oz and 23 in long he is in the 46 percentile. Claire has been in the 90th since she was 2 months old. Maybe he will catch up...? For now I am having a hard time sizing this guy in his cloth diapers... We need some chunk on them legs!!

Heaven is having you