Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Looky dere

We have had a rough week or so with this boy. He has been clingy, fussy, up every hour, nursing every hour, ugh. We have been exhausted... Especially since he has never been like this. Ever. Going from 8-10 hour stretches of sleep to 1-3 hour stretches has made us a little crazy. I have asked the doctor, friends, other moms, my own mother... Looked it up online, even contacted a child sleep specialist. I had thought it was time to stop swaddling since he can roll over and all... but when i tried that, it was the worst night ever!

We chalked it up to the "4 month sleep regression"... Putting him down for an earlier bedtime and shortening his awake time during the day.
That helped, for all of one day and night. I heard "it's time to start solids"-- nope. "Put him on his belly to sleep"--not a chance. "Let him cry it out"--not for me.

Then today, I found the culprit. His first tooth. 3 months before his sister ever got hers. Here we go...

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