We have had a rough week or so with this boy. He has been clingy, fussy, up every hour, nursing every hour, ugh. We have been exhausted... Especially since he has never been like this. Ever. Going from 8-10 hour stretches of sleep to 1-3 hour stretches has made us a little crazy. I have asked the doctor, friends, other moms, my own mother... Looked it up online, even contacted a child sleep specialist. I had thought it was time to stop swaddling since he can roll over and all... but when i tried that, it was the worst night ever!
We chalked it up to the "4 month sleep regression"... Putting him down for an earlier bedtime and shortening his awake time during the day.
That helped, for all of one day and night. I heard "it's time to start solids"-- nope. "Put him on his belly to sleep"--not a chance. "Let him cry it out"--not for me.
Then today, I found the culprit. His first tooth. 3 months before his sister ever got hers. Here we go...
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Big guy
This little man is rolling over! Grabbing toys, drooling, laughing, cooing, and trying to sit up! Time is going by way too fast... Especially with two kids at home. I need just a little more time with this stage, cause boy it is fun.
4 months
Wyatt is 4 months...Already?! He was such a trooper at his check up. Flirting with all the ladies...giggling and smiling... And only shed a few tears for his shots. Weighing in at 15 pounds he is in the 50th percentile for weight and at 26 inches long he measured in the 75th percentile. Looking back at his sisters records she was 17 pounds and 85th percentile at 4 months. It's almost like he is a runt for us!
It has been such a joy to watch him grow. He is SUCH a good baby, an angel really.
He only cries if something is wrong. We are excited to see what kind of boy he grows to be.
It has been such a joy to watch him grow. He is SUCH a good baby, an angel really.
He only cries if something is wrong. We are excited to see what kind of boy he grows to be.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Momma's boy
This guy owns me... And I love every minute of it. Just as his sister owned me... Well, she owned me a little stricter than he does, and that was fine as well. They are only this little for a little while, so I will hold and squeeze and love and rock and nurse and bounce till the days end. There is nothing sweeter than a smile and giggle from across the room... He knows who he sees. And it's me <3
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Boy are we excited about Halloween this year! We had our annual Halloween party early and Wyatt showed up as a chicken... Fitting for 2012 :)
3 months
Someone recently asked me if I was using "The Happiest Baby on the Block" book with Wyatt... I said I do not have time to shower, let alone read a baby manual for this guy. That's just him, happy, content, angelic. We go to a music program for big sisser every Tuesday and he usually sleeps the entire time. My girlfriend said, that angel baby is sleeping beauty! Does he ever cry? ;) he has his moments... Few and far in between. We are blessed.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Mister personality
This little guy is coming alive... Cooing, smiling, giggling!! His first giggle was on my first day back to work.. Mid feed, as I was sternly telling his sister she could not go to church nakey, she must wear her dress... He was cracking up at her getting in trouble. We all immediately stared into his eyes and were laughing together. What sweet moments of joy.
First night in his crib... This is bitter sweet for me. At one month earlier than his sister, I am ready but in a sense... I'm not. At least I can have the comfort of watching him sleep.
Monday, October 1, 2012
2 months!
Wyatt is smaller than Claire was at this age... Weighing in at 11lb 10oz and 23 in long he is in the 46 percentile. Claire has been in the 90th since she was 2 months old. Maybe he will catch up...? For now I am having a hard time sizing this guy in his cloth diapers... We need some chunk on them legs!!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Hey what's that?!
The boy is seeing everything today!! Daddy from across the room... Sister running by him... And he smiles! Oh those adorable gummy smiles. I didnt realize how much I missed this stage until now. Coos and smiles, and he does this sound that is almost a giggle.... Love.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
::sigh:: I am not ready to move this boy to his room just yet... But I have to say he has taken a liking to his crib already. He loves to lay in it and watch his mobile. And I recently have been putting him in it for naps... He sleeps for a whopping 2-3 hours! For now I will hang on to the nights with him sleeping next to me in his cradle, but I am sure it won't be long before he is in his own room.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
Baby wearing
I am a total believer in baby wearing... It promotes bonding and soothes and calms infants. I wore Claire most days during the first 4 months of her life because that was the only place she was happy. If I wasn't wearing her I was feeding her. Wyatt has been such an easy self soothing newborn thus far.... Until about a week ago. Since he suffered from thrush and his ear infection he has been a little more needy. It's a little different this time... I don't have all day to sit around and hold him and stare in his baby blues. This is where my baby carriers come in handy. For the past week mornings have been rough with Wyatt waking from gas pains and being quite fussy for a couple of hours. Unless he is eating, he is crying. I feel so bad for him, and I feel so bad for Claire. I usually resort to a Disney movie and a quick easy breakfast so that I can walk with him. But I realized I have 3 perfectly good carriers... And he loves them. Instant silence. The moby is my favorite, but we have also used a bjorn and sling this past week and they do wonders!! It's a good thing I love wearing my babies close to my heart... Cause 4 hours out of my day is spent that way.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Wy's first trip
Wyatt was an angel on his first vacation! He slept great, ate great, and got extra snuggle time.
Uncle Shu got his first lesson on changing baby boys! He is getting prepared for his own.
The house had a HUGE sink! It was the perfect bath tub for my little man.
He slept through the entire tea party.
Poor guy was still suffering from thrush... after 8 days of treating him with the prescription with no relief, I decided to go the herbal route. After 3 doses of this stuff, he was cured! Blue mouth!
Getting some love from his cousins! He is the most cherished little cousin of the clan at this point. it is so sweet to watch the kids woo over him...even the boys!!
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